Comments on: Tapping into the natural rhythms of life Byron Bay & Beyond Sat, 13 Sep 2014 08:58:37 +0000 hourly 1 By: mary sanford Sun, 31 Aug 2014 04:26:34 +0000 Thank you for sharing,
I agree the my cycles app is brilliant, I highly recommend it, I find it a great way to check into me and my body.

By: Shelley Jones Sat, 30 Aug 2014 05:07:52 +0000 I connected with your stillness and presence as I read your article Bernadette. Too often we wait to be given permission to take time for ourselves but it really is beneficial to not just ourselves but all those around us too.

By: bernadette curtin Fri, 29 Aug 2014 03:56:20 +0000 Thank you all for your comments – “conscious presence in the doing”, “Just be”, ” choice”,” to stop and take a moment,” “being while doing” – they are all great reminders that we are enough just the way we are!

By: Gayle Cue Thu, 28 Aug 2014 21:43:19 +0000 Thank you for your beautifully spacious article Bernadette. What I take away from it is that “It is all in the attitude (or conscious presence, as some might call it.) The list of things you’ve suggested as a means of feeling expansive and playful — “For example, giving ourselves permission to write, paint, sew, sculpt, design – simply create…” could just become a long list of more things TO DO. But now, with your prompting, I will see if I can firstly use the time to be with me while I’m also doing these things.

By: Kathy Avram Thu, 28 Aug 2014 00:45:09 +0000 Bernadette thank you for your amazing article in reminding us that we are choosing the doing and not truly stopping and allowing ourselves to feel what is truly going on in our bodies and life.

We seem to all get caught up in the doing and completing everything each day all day that we have totally forgotten how to live in simplicity of allowing ourselves the moment to just be and get things done in our rhythm and presence and truly love what we do.

A great reflection for me is that stillness is the greatest form of harmony with oneself and we can enjoy not only ourselves but everything around us if we only took the time to just be.

By: Jeanette Wed, 27 Aug 2014 19:00:58 +0000 This is a lovely reflection Bernadette, and I love this phrase,

“When we choose to be present and playful and light, the day unfolds like magic. We feel more spaciousness in our body and find that there is more space in our day.”

I have to agree, as I have often gotten caught in thinking there isnt enough time but when I make the conscious choice to make space, the whole world, day and time seem to expand, which is magic as you say. A lovely reminder

Thank you

By: Hannah Morden Wed, 27 Aug 2014 08:04:59 +0000 A beautiful article that asks us all to stop and take a moment, even to just be present reading the article and nothing else.
There is so much distraction around us, that it only aids to a lack of presence and stillness.

Just reading and reflecting on this article gave me time and space to just be.

Thank you

By: Suzanne Wed, 27 Aug 2014 07:54:56 +0000 I love how you reflect back on how your grandmother held herself with every task at hand, each one just as important as the other. I have just been experimenting with knitting & crocheting, something I learnt to do as a child. Instead of using this time to check out or as something to do to relieve the boredom I have been playing with using this time to feel myself in my body and practice being present with the actual task, one loop at a time. It also is a great opportunity to listen to my body and stop when it has had enough :-)

By: Bernadette Curtin Wed, 27 Aug 2014 05:21:20 +0000 You are right about putting ourselves last Ariana, what are your favourite moments?

By: Ariana Ray Wed, 27 Aug 2014 05:07:21 +0000 I love this article, it is very inspiring and I love how you look after yourself with the Our Cycles App. I know as women, we tend to put ourselves last in the list of who needs to be looked after, so having a simple app that supports us to do that would be amazing!
Thanks for a great article.
